Thursday, February 4, 2010

Freyday Free-for all - Bakersfield Photographer

We've made it to the second week of the new "Frey-day" Free-for all blog post! I hope you all liked last weeks entry (or at least the concept)...and if you did, you should leave comments to make my day. :) Especially since this week was spent mostly on the couch recovering from wrist surgery and typing with one hand! Turns out, I'm not too bad at it, and I can still edit with my right hand, which is great. Also, if you missed it, I blogged new posts on Mon and from our Valentine's Day vintage pin up shoot, and one of the cutest families ever on their golf course.

Likes this week:

*pain medication and my sweet, loving, doting husband! Who also seems to have photos of me on morphine from recovery that you'll only see if we're really close friends! haha

* LOST has returned!!! O.M.G. I am wierdly obsessed with the show even though it makes me SO angry. Thankfully I have great friends who let me make my inquizzative comments during commercial breaks and answer my questions for me.

*M.A.R.E program here in Bakersfield. See photo and comments below...

Dislikes this week:

* Having one hand.

* Sushi to go. It just doesn't taste the same when it's on my plate at home and not in the restraunt. What was I thinking?

* That my iTouch doesn't have a camera. really? why apple, why? So you can force me to buy into your iPhone?

Onto better things:

Here's a photo from a project I'm working on for the March issue of Bakersfield Life. I adore horses and had a great time photographing out at M.A.R.E. (Click on the link to learn more about the program) It's an equine assisted program for children and adults with physical, cognitive, or emotional challenges...really a wonderful place and I can't wait to hopefully volunteer some time with them.


Anonymous said...

Jessica, Wishing you a speedy recovery! Love reading your blog and all the beautiful images you share!

Anonymous said...

Don't like it. It's like your trying to be Jasmine Star.

Be yourself. Not someone else.