We have some amazing friends here in Bakersfield, and I've loved getting to see this little guy grow up and can't believe he's now a 2 year old! So, to celebrate, I got him a cake and got permission to let him just dig in for me and my camera....Except we soon found out, this is not an ordinary 2 year old, and really didn't want to get his hands dirty! Lots of laughter ensued as we watched him get excited about a fork....
And then getting his hands cleaned after dad tried to show him the way.... And finally, we were done. Cake had gotten on his pants and he was not going to let the outfit get dirty! Thanks guys for letting me be a part of his birthday celebration! I had a blast and can't wait to continue to be a part of his life!
For those of you who have made it to the end...be ready for exciting photography news from me tomorrow on Facebook/Twitter and then an update on the blog for Freyday!
Welcome Friends, Family, Fellow Photographers, and Future clients! This blog is an updated glimpse into the photography world of Jessica Frey. Enjoy...and leave comments! It's always great to hear from you! Please visit my website at www.JessicaFreyPhotography.com for more photos!
All photos on this site are copyrighted to Jessica Frey of Jessica Frey Photography and may not be saved to your computer, copied, printed, or reproduced in any way without written consent. Thank you for abiding by copyright laws.
So cute! he looks like he could be a FREY!! :)
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