Speaking of getting to know me better, I've started using Formspring as another tool to have a bit of fun and answer client/photography/life questions. Click on this link: www.formspring.me/JFreyPhotograph and ask away! See the screen capture below:

*Wolfgang Puck pizza!! I have fallen for the goat cheese, spinach & mushroom pizza with mozzarella, basil, and fresh tomato slices. yum!
*Dinner My Way! It's a place in Bakersfield off Coffee that makes dinner for you...and you just bring it home and eat it! I have 6 meals waiting to be eaten next week...no more cereal for dinner! (which also means having a happy husband...another like.)
*TheKnot.com As seen on the previous post, I got a awarded by Central CA brides as a top 2010 photographer! Super excited and thankful to be recognized!
*Bakersfield Life Magazine - Check your Saturday newspaper, the new Feb. issue will be inside...with a cover by me!
*Starbucks wi-fi. I have an iTouch, so I have to steal internet and AT&T has made it difficult for me to figure out the "free" Starbucks wifi. Anyone know how to combat that??!
*Having surgery. I'll be in the OR on Monday to have a cyst removed from my wrist. boo.
*Not being at Lake Tahoe anymore! We had such an awesome week-long trip to relax, ski and enjoy the snow. If you want to see some photos, check out my gallery at Jessica Frey Photography The first 7 are from Tahoe.
And since photography posts seem empty without photos, here's one for you of my baby, Miss Kayla!
I think I can help you with your Starbucks internet problem. Starbucks doesn't have free wi-fi so that is probably the first problem. and secondly, if you get a Starbucks card and register it you get 2 free hours a day. But, no Starbuck does not have "free" internet : ( unfortunately
I was just about to mention the same thing about the Starbucks card. Register it, and when you go and purchase a drink, you get two free hours of wi-fi.
Caitlin, I'm so coming in while you're working...I have a registered starbucks card but cannot seem to log into the main AT&T page for the free 2 hours...hmmm?!
have you set up an account? i can help you. or just give you my password lol and you can just do it with that.
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